速報APP / 生產應用 / Little POS

Little POS





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Little POS(圖1)-速報App

Little POS is a completely free small point of sale application for recording your sales transactions and payments from your customer. Very easy to set up master data related to product, customer and price and start using the app. Generic pricing and customer specific pricing can also be easily setup. User friendly interface developed to make the sales entry easy. Useful reports that will give full clarity on the business and helps in keeping track of your business.

Some of the key features of this application

Little POS(圖2)-速報App


Easy Master data create/edit/delete functionality

Little POS(圖3)-速報App

Easy sales entry on the SALES ENTRY screen

Quick sales report on the SALES ENTRY screen to view customer sales and modification

Little POS(圖4)-速報App

Item wise report with the date range for a customer

Day wise reports with date range for a customer

Little POS(圖5)-速報App

Customer wise report sales summary report

Backup and Restore to SD card functionality

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Backup database and send to Email address functionality

Auto backup on exit to SD card

Little POS(圖7)-速報App

Export all sales to Excel

Google drive integration for backup and restore to your account.

Little POS(圖8)-速報App

At present during the sales transaction there is no tax adding facility, this will be added in future. Please leave your valuable feedback to help us improve that app and to add more features you feel required in this app.

For any issues and feedback please contact the developer.